**NOTE** Fort Fright is not running in 2022
More scare actors on site, more props, and a full engagement of all five of your senses are guaranteed to have you looking over your shoulder!
For just $5 you can purchase a glow-in-the-dark ‘Protection Amulet’ necklace that is guaranteed to keep you safe and the scary creatures at bay! The Protection Amulet is ideal for youngsters or adults who want the experience but would prefer to keep the scare actors at a safe distance.

Plan an overnight stay right on site at Fort Henry’s Fort Fright! Check-in at 5:00 p.m. to the authentic 19th century military surroundings of the Barracks Room. Accommodations are available on weeknights from October 23 to November 1. The overnight cost is $50 per person with a minimum nightly charge of $200. Space is limited so book early! For more information or to reserve your overnight stay call the Customer Service team at 800-437-2233. In keeping with the time period, the rooms do not have modern hotel amenities and guests must bring their own sleeping bags, pillows, towels and toiletries
The Farm Girl Mobile Food Truck is on site just outside the main entrance. Farm Girl showcases local produce in delicious gourmet offerings nightly until November 1. Don’t miss the Shop of Horrors retail area at the end of your tour.
**NOTE** Fort Fright is not running in 2022
Tickets to Fort Fright are general admission, $15 per person, for military (with ID) $12. Maximize your visit to Fort Fright with an Unlimited Night Pass. For just $5 extra, you can have access to Fort Fright all evening long on the night of purchase. A great way to experience the event with a group of friends!
Double your entertainment value this fall and take in two of Eastern Ontario’s best events – Fort Fright and Pumpkinferno at Upper Canada Village (Morrisburg, Ontario). Combo pricing is general admission $23 plus tax.
Fort Fright is Eastern Ontario’s largest scare attraction and is described by many as Ontario’s Best Haunted experience. The event is sponsored by Via Rail Canada, The Great Waterway, Kingston Accommodation Partners, Ambassador Hotel & Conference Centre Kingston, Tourism Kingston and Celebrate Ontario.
- In 2014, Fort Fright received a $75,000 grant from Celebrate Ontario to invest in the festival.
- The St. Lawrence Parks Commission, an agency of the Government of Ontario, operates facilities in 16 municipalities stretching from Kingston to the Quebec border, including Upper Canada Village, Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), Crysler Park Marina, Upper Canada Golf Course, Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary and 12 campgrounds and day-use areas including the Long Sault and 1000 Islands Parkways.
- Located at the junction of Highways 2 and 15 (Exit 623 off Highway 401 then south on Highway 15), Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada is managed by The St. Lawrence Parks Commission, an agency of the Government of Ontario.
The St. Lawrence Parks Commission operates facilities in 16 municipalities stretching from Kingston to the Quebec border, including Upper Canada Village, Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada – now designated as part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Crysler Park Marina, Upper Canada Golf Course, Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary and 12 campgrounds and day-use areas including the Long Sault and 1000 Islands Parkways.