Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspective on Restoring our World at No. 9 Gardens

Presented by No.9 Gardens, Outdoor Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Date: Thursday August 17, 2023 at 6:30 pm

Entry: By Donation, RSVP on eventbrite:

Location: 1516 Summers Road, Lyndhurst, ON

Join us at No.9 Gardens for an outdoor film screening of Inhabitants, a film focused on Indigenous Perspectives on Restoring our World. There will be a special panel discussion featuring local people involved in Indigenous sustainability initiatives, research and practices. Bring a chair and dress for the weather!


6:30 pm: Arrival & Food tasting by Helena Neveu beginning at 6:30 pm, with some ingredients from No.9 Gardens’ fresh produce.

7:15 pm: Panel Discussion beginning at 7:15 pm followed by Film Screening

Panel Speakers:

Tayohseron:tye Nikki AutenRako’nikonhrakátste Logan MaracleSarah WatsonO’nahkwi:yo Kelly MaracleAric Aguonie

We look forward to you joining and learning with us!

About No.9 Gardens: Your registration directly supports our programs and helps us fulfill our mission of empowering youth and the general public to lead a revolution in building resilient communities. No.9 Gardens is focused on educating people about the importance of a strong, local, resilient food system. We work with volunteers to grow fresh nutritious produce for those most in need.

No.9 Gardens is situated on many traditional territories including Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-o-show-nee), Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-in-ah-bay), Mississauga, Algonquin, and the Wendake-Nionwentsïo nations. We are grateful to be able to offer the public these lands to live, learn, and play on.

40 acres of quintessential Ontario wilderness in eastern Ontario known as the Frontenac Arch Natural Area: this is the canvas on which we are creating Canada’s first centre for promoting sustainability and indigenous dialogue. No.9 Gardens is located alongside the Hawkridge Trail, 200 acres of protected UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve and the spectacular natural beauty of Eastern Ontario.

How do we do this? By providing enjoyable, lived experiences outdoors in the natural environment that encourages creativity, greater respect and reciprocity with the land, and a more sustainable lifestyle. Check out No.9’s website for more information on our programs:



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Become a volunteer: Email

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